Wednesday, March 30, 2011

[] Album Cover: In The Cloud

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Subject: [] Album Cover: In The Cloud
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 12:25:43 -0700
From: <>

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Album Cover: In The Cloud

This is an album cover I created for @melfi over at NYHoosier. I used Adobe Ideas on my iPhone to create the original design, I then put it into Instagram and added an effect to it. After those 2 steps I emailed it to myself and added clouds and text to it within Photoshop. The cover has 6 layers and I used the font Freestyle Script Normal. I also added the NYHoosier logo on the bottom right corner. 

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What's the equivalent of a poke in Twitter?

No seriously, give me an answer!

FlexT9 Virtual Keyboard for Android

Acer ICONIA TAB A500 Android 3.0 Tablet

Motorola Xoom Coming to Major UK Retailers

Motorola Xoom Coming to Major UK Retailers

Differences Between CDMA and GSM iPhone Call Settings

Nokia Allowed to Customize Windows Phone 7

Sony P1 PlayStation Tablet Details

Untethered iOS 4.2.1 Jailbreak Now Available Through PwnageTool 4.2

USB flash drives on cardboard

Art Lebedev has come up with the idea of making USB flash drives on cardboard, which can be easily torn from a strip, and you can write down the file content on the exterior with a pen and share it!

Orange is planning to launch contactless payments in Europe

Dell Streak 10 Will Run On Android 3.0 Honeycomb

Now 150,000 Apps Available for Download at Android Market

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Posterous Spotlight: Talking With Tom


Posterous Spotlight: Talking With Tom

The Posterous mobile apps make it extremely easy to blog on the go. Tom Martin has taken it a step further with his own social media campaign of interviewing leading digital thinkers every week until the end of the year using nothing but his iPhone camera and iPhone Posterous app
What was the inspiration for Talking With Tom? 
It really started when Apple introduced the iPhone4. As soon as I saw it was going to carry iMovie, I got the idea of doing a 100% mobile produced video blog. 
Are you really traveling around the country?  How are you getting around? 
I am traveling around to various conferences and cities to complete the Talking With Tom project. When I can, I drive, but most of the time I'm flying from one place to another... maybe an airline should co-sponsor this project ;-)) 
Any funny stories you can share about your interviews so far? 
Probably the funniest story has to do with Jason Falls. He's kind of an opinionated person so for his "fun question" I asked (jokingly) "So Jason, who's the biggest douchebag in social media?" And he answered it... I and everyone else in the room died laughing. I can't wait to post that video... I'm thinking high RT value there. 
What is your favorite interview so far?  Why? 
This one's hard to say because I've done a lot more interviews than I've currently posted. I only post one per week, so I like to get ahead. But I have to say, Ann Handley's answer to What's Next? and Mack Collier's both really hit home with me because both answers involve the evolution of advertising and marketing away from interruption marketing to invitation marketing.
Best Posterous site that you'd like to introduce others to? 
Probably my favorite Posterous is Gangway Advertising by my friend Cynthia Smoot because it's O, so helpful. I like the way she and Gangway curate smart stuff that marketing types like me should be aware of and then they present it in a short, effective manner. It's a quick but smart read, and well, I like quick and smart. 
Other sites to check out:
Reading Odyssey:  Learning is a journey. Reignite your curiosity and lifelong learning with this non-profit reading group.
Beverly's Photo for the Day:  Who doesn't enjoy beautiful nature photos? This photo-a-day blog has everything from animals to flowers without the allergies.
Brain Sugar:  The name says it all - things that incite or inspire are featured on this blog.
Want the spotlight on your site? Tell us about it.
Posterous is the place to post everything. Just email us.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Remembring The Martyrs- Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru

In a nation filled with impotent intelligensia, remembring the martyrs is the only solace, as a revolution like Egypt is much unlikely. We dream to be at par with the U.S. forgetting the fact that their Prez is also an ex-soldier, whilst ours are physically and mentally challanged! Anyways seeing today's India I have no qualms in saying that their sacrifice went through the drain; as the freedom we got was not fought it was a beggars penny; thanks to the half-naked barrister turned mahatma!

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Real Tsunami Shot

I want to show everyone the news media we are being presented with here in Japan. I think it's quite different from what you see on CNN and other Western news outlets. Due to the popularity of this video, I have started a new page to collect my personal experiences as... well as release Japanese news reports about the Tsunami. Please like it to keep up to date! FIND IMPORTANT DONATION INFORMATION HERE: Note: This video was not shot by me. Although I am a cameraman, I live in Tokyo 180 miles from the disaster zone. I recorded this video from TV to pass on. It is copyrighted by Asahi TV and can't be posted on YouTube or other sites. I technically shouldn't be able to post it here, but I'll leave it up as long as I get away with it! Google streets view of where this video was shot:


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The Hands-Free Sandwich Holder

This hands-free sandwich holder might look suspiciously look like a re-purposed harmonica holder for lazy sandwich enthusiasts, cool or ridiculous?

Crazy mp3 player

Tornado in Pupping

Gever Tulley says: "This might just be the most beautiful piece of collaboration between nature and industrial agriculture that I have ever seen."

Hot Family Photo

Aquarium Telephone Booth in France

Forever alone the performance

Double-Decker School Bus

It's not a usual double-decker bus. Take a look.

80's Heartthrobs Then and Now

These guys got their start more than 25 years ago....

Video of mad tsunami waves battering ships, homes, cars after Japan earthquake

Elsewhere, cars, boats, and houses are being tossed like toys by the powerful waves.

IKEA Now Organizes Your Desktop!

IKEA created a downloadable folder that consists of a background picture of an EXPEDIT storage unit and an icon set made of IKEA's very own organizers.
So you can basically put all your files/folders in the "organizers" and stack them up!
Pretty cool! Unfortunately the set is only currently downloadable in 3 countries for now: Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

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