Sunday, June 5, 2011

Vishwaalok supports Ramdev's fight to end corruption

In the wake of last night's hapenning at Ramlila Groundin New Delhi, India, where a yoga teacher Ramdev sat along with his 25000 supporters, and the way they were treated after the Indian Govt. bitched them and sent the Forces to evict the ground at midnight; also in spite of the fact that the permission to stage a camp was granted and was also supported by P.M. Mr. Manmohan Singh and his aides, this unfortunate incident took place where women and kids were fired tear gas and cops bullied them while the nation was sleeping, does prove the pseudo democracy we have.politicians are like chameleon and the intelligent masses are impotent.

1 comment:

  1. what happen in the midnite of 4th july will always be remembered as a barbaric attack on innocent people in India by Dirty Politicians.... dis country is no longer the land of has converted itself into Taliban..... as written in vedas ..i think the end of humanity in kayug has started.....hope this ends soon
